17 Mart 2019 Pazar


Today I am a flaneur*. I am walking with turtle steps. I am "picking plants from asphalt."* Today is the first day of my professional idleness career. I found a guide book. I have no hurry. I have no purpose. I have no destination. I am just walking to feel the city, and I sense that its heart is beating.

I can see. People are struggling to spend money. They are striving to buy some things that they don't need. They are trying to being a part of capitalism. It is important for them because it is the most significant rule of being modern. If they want to be modern, they have to be capitalist.

Now two lovers are sitting towards me, but there is something weird. They aren't looking at each other. They are looking at their phones. Okay, love is not to look at each other, but to look at the same place together, but they are just looking at the selfie camera together. Aghhh God! I think I sensed wrongly. The heart of the city is beating arrhythmical. The city is a cardiac patient.

Here are some kids. They are singing a song. Probably their moms are in a shopping battle, but the kids are not caring about the sales. They are just caring about a stray dog. They are starting to play a game with the dog. Thanks God! Fortunately kids are always kids.

Yes! This is the end of a beginner flaneur's adventure. I walked, I saw and I wrote. It was a really nice experience for me. See you on next week...

*flaneur: Someone who walks for just walking in a city, kind of idler (bkz: aylak).
*Walter Benjamin

12 yorum:

  1. Just reading even makes me ____ I cannot say because that word would be insufficent to tell how I feel, of course. I appreciate you! It is so important to refresh.

  2. I like your blog. I also observe people when I go out. Keep on telling about your adventures.

  3. I like your text so much. You explained a lot of things we didn't realize.

  4. I would like to walk without any thoughts someday, and i agree with you about the lovers, not just them. Even grownups like that. What they all care is the social media. Well, at least people i know.

  5. How can we be a flaneur? We need to take courses or something? We need to get Flaneur's Licence to be a flaneur freely? Thank you for this text. :)

    1. First of all you need to adopt a turtle :)

  6. It is one of the best blog I have ever seen , I liked it 😉

  7. Woww! Really, it is a impressive text.😉

  8. oh my God! I really love this blog . It' s best blog I' ve ever seen.your pen* is really strong.

  9. I am a flaneur too!!! Add me the list of idlers (bkz:aylak).

  10. I love the idea of walking with turtle steps-- in fact my children are really good at that. What a great way to encourage yourself to slow down and remember what surrounds you
